Interactive 360° x 180° drone panoramas. Click on images to open the panorama and drag to pan the panorama image. Use pinch gestures or the mouse-wheel to zoom in or out. Close the new window to exit the panorama mode.
Panorama I
Saas-Fee Hohgiblätt (Hohgeblätt) & Grossus Mos (Grosses Moos), Saas-Fee, Switzerland (July 18, 2024).
Panorama II
Saas-Fee Wildi, Bärgdorf (Bergdorf) / Schliechte (July 18, 2024).
Panorama III
Saas-Fee Am Biel, Blomattu, Chalmattu (July 18, 2024).
Panorama IV
Saas-Fee Längfluh (July 18, 2024).
Panorama V
Saas-Fee Obri / Undri Gassu, Chalmattu (July 20, 2024)